Stop Fraud. Supercharge Growth.

No matter your industry, fraudsters are likely targeting you right now. They follow the money—and fintechs are the perfect target, with high-growth ambitions.

NeuroID behavioral analytics, enhanced with device and network intelligence, detect invisible behavior trails so you can stop fraud faster at login, account management, and transaction, without adding friction.

Fraud-Fighting for All Fintechs

Lenders—From Auto Loans to Buy Now Pay Later

From referral abuse to ongoing fraud ring and bot attacks, NeuroID helps lenders identify fraudsters early and improve user experience. Our proven solution increases the self-abandonment rate of fraudsters, reduces manual reviews, reduces auto-approved fraud, and optimizes your workflow for trustworthy users. (Read more here)

Consumer Finance Platforms—From Budgeting to Crypto

Protect your customers with friction-free, cutting-edge and zero-PII collecting behavioral risk assessment. Reduce unauthorized access and family fraud, detect business logic abuse like penny-drop schemes, and enhance automated decisioning for secure, seamless, simple sign-ups and platform use.

Payment Processors—From Remittance to Bill Pay

Preventing everything from bust-out fraud and money laundering to promo abuse and dormant fraudsters, NeuroID helps merchants, remittance companies, bill pay, and payroll companies move money safely. NeuroID can help you reduce manual reviews and auto-approved fraud at sign up, prevent fake account creation, and reduce losses from fraudulent payments. (Read about it here)

Industry leaders use NeuroID to protect their platforms, minimize user friction, and reduce their costs.


Reduced Auto-Approved Fraud

A Top 5 Bank reduced auto-approved fraud by 62%.

$1+ million

Cost Savings

Elevate saved $1-2 million per year by improving fraud detection accuracy.


Reduced Verification Time

Addi cut verification time in half for 60% of their user population.

Read More About Behavioral Analytics from NeuroID Fraud Experts

Don’t Fall Behind the Fraudsters.

Integrate frictionless behavioral fraud intelligence that protects your entire user lifecycle, from a partner who understands your needs.